sun city summerlin Patrol

House Checks

Sun City Summerlin Patrol is pleased to provide residents who have a valid SCSCAI membership a service to inspect the exterior of their property while they are vacationing or away from their home for a short period.

Patrol volunteers will check the house by walking around the property as much as access allows and will follow up on anything unusual with the emergency contact or resident. House checks will be made every other day for a total period of 30 days. Patrol is unable to provide house checks for residents absent from their home for extended periods of time (i.e. snowbirds), or for homes that are vacant while they are being marketed for sale, or pending rental occupancy. The service is free, but residents may make a donation to the Patrol if they wish.

Residents requesting this service must:

Come into the Patrol office in person to make the request and sign the form authorizing the Patrol access to the property.

Bring in and show their current SCSCAI membership card (owner or renter).

Have current emergency contact information on file. If not, a form must be completed and submitted before a house check request can be accepted. Ideally, the emergency contact should have a key to the house.

Ensure that all the doors are locked and all the window latches are closed prior to leaving the home.

Stop mail and newspaper deliveries or have a neighbor collect them. Also arrange for parcels to be taken in.

Following are some helpful documents:

House Check Policy

Leaving Home Check List