about sun city summerlin Patrol

About Sun City Summerlin
10362 Sun City Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89134
Phone (702) 254-2303 - any time
FAX (702) 254-4218

2023 Board of Directors

Patrol Chief:  Steven Douglass

Assistant Chief:  Terry Carey
Secretary:  Jennifer Dodd
Personnel Officer:  Dee O'Dowd
Treasurer: Michael Christiansen

More than 230 Sun City Summerlin residents serve as Patrol officers All are volunteers; no one is paid for their service.

The patrol volunteers usually work at least one four-hour shift each week. Unlike some other activities, they do not take home a craft that they have created, or are feeling good from some physical activity. What they do bring home is that unbeatable feeling that comes with helping someone. Perhaps it’s just giving directions to one who is lost, or finding a lost pet, or trying to locate an address; perhaps it is responding to an out-of-state caller worried about a Sun City resident family member who has been out of contact. Nothing pleases us more than investigating a potential problem and just being part of bringing about a happy resolution.

Sometimes a Patrol Driver must wake up a resident late at night whose garage door has been left open. Occasionally and understandably, those abruptly awakened individuals might be less than cordial. However, according to Metro, discovering those open garage doors and getting them secured is a vital factor in continuing to keep Sun City’s crime rate the lowest in the Valley. Besides, we sleep better when we know you are safe.

Any resident with a valid SCSCAI membership card is welcome to inquire about joining the Patrol. A Patrol Driver must have a current driver’s license. If you would like to make an important contribution to your community, and if the Patrol interests you, please call 702-254-2303 to talk with the Patrol’s Personnel Director. She is anxious to meet you.

Do you have your Emergency Contact Sheet complete? Maybe you need to add a person with a key to your home to your sheet. Update your phone numbers or even your email address. We want to get hold of you in case there is an issue with your home.

Maybe you haven't seen your neighbor around and see that papers or mail up. Give us a call and we can help.

Are you heading out of town and need someone to check on your house? We can do that for you. Just stop by the Patrol Office with your association card and we can set that up.